One of just a few plants that we wanted to keep. Has been in the safekeeping of ArcLight for the last year. Looking a bit sorry for itself (especially compared to this) which is hardly surprising considering how pot bound it was. We took it out of the pot to transport. It is temporarily back in the pot just to prevent it drying out - we need to visit the local garden centre to pick up a pot big enough for it.
Out of all the many plants in pots in our garden we brought over just three, which are all in desperate need of reporting.
I woke at 7.30 this morning, - so had just 4½ hours sleep. W slept a little longer. We managed to unpack the car, and W has been quite industrious - he baked bread, repotted the two plants we transported barerooted, reorganised a couple of cupboards in the utility room, and cooked our dinner. The only thing I've done is one load of washing. I sent Rocky round the kitchen - twice, because he didn't do a very good job the first time.
Unsurprisingly, I am now quite tired and looking forward to an early night.
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