Yoga ready

Or am I heading off to Turnford Youth Gymnastics club? When I was between the ages of 7 and 12 that was our destination after school two nights a week. Mondays to begin with but I recall it became Tuesdays and Thursdays. I only tell you all this because I dug out an old leotard and tights - not from age 12, but about 18. Some things I can't part with. It was in my bottom drawer and I thought 'why not, perfect for yoga'. Never mind that I am 3 stone heavier than I was then!! Thank God for lycra! I feel more flexible already- ha ha!

Work feels like it is dragging. I really want a holiday and I already know one week isn't going to be enough.

At lunchtime I did a few cuttings. I am trying to do them properly, rather than rush at the wrong time of year and find they don't take. I did a couple of hydrangea, and am trying again with dad's rose. I have my eye on a hebe down the road, and ceanothus nextdoor.

We are in the car now, heading to Weybourne for our hours yoga.

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