Fern shadow

A practically dry day today - twice I felt a tiny trace of rain in the air, but both came to nothing.

I decided this morning to start on the report of a Professional Gardeners' Guild visit to Wemyss Castle garden last month which I'd volunteered to write. It was wanted by the end of this month so I thought I had plenty of time, but this morning I had an email telling me that it was required by this coming Monday - now I know what I'll be doing tomorrow! 

A strange Blip today! Yesterday while on Mull my friend Tim and I were looking at a fern and trying to identify it. He picked a small part of a frond and we brought it home, where I laid it on a piece of paper in the hall. We forgot to investigate and when I picked it up this morning there was a lovely pattern created by the spores falling out overnight! Still not sure what the fern is though!

Spent the afternoon at Dunollie finding sites for new shrubs. For easiness I took my Lumix compact camera hoping to do a Dunollie Blip, but when I tried to open it it seemed to be stuck. This has happened before so I tried it before I left and it was fine, and again just now, and again it worked. But at Dunollie, nothing! Hence the home Blip!

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