Poorly heron

Having been upset by the red kite on Sunday, today has been another surreal day.

After a few chores I headed out for a walk, taking a couple of Facebook notification letters to people new to our patch.  No problem with the first house, and then wandered around the playing fields and pond, where about three moorhen chicks have survived, and back to house two. 

 As I was about to go up their drive I saw a heron heading towards their other exit.  Note posted, I scooted round the corner onto the road, and saw it wandering up another drive, where it actually went up the step to their front door.  It then settled under one of the windows and sat hunched up looking very forlorn.
This afternoon I went back up the road to visit my friend for a cup of tea and called in at C’s on the way, who told me it was sitting on a garden bench in his back garden, two doors up from where I’d seen it.  C had put out his salmon dinner and some water.  Salmon ignored but grateful for the water.

On my way home after visiting friend, it was ambling across the road and onto the drive of someone else.

C has tried to contact the RSPB but they weren’t answering.  

I really can’t do with all the upset of sick birds, and hoping it’s not bird flu.  But whatever it is, it’s not well.

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