
We had a cat litter delivery and as usual the box was filled with these long streams of brown paper.  I pulled them out and put them out of the way until I could bring them down to the recycling dumpster.  Then when I was in the kitchen I heard rustling noises nearby and came out into the living room to find Sylvie caught up in the paper while trying to reach that little black thing on the floor in the foreground.  It was fun to watch her fighting with the paper.

Today started off well and I had plans to shop and pick up prescriptions, but suddenly after lunch I began to feel extremely weak, which has continued now into the evening.  So I didn't manage to do what I'd planned and will have to postpone that until Wednesday.  I'm hoping that dialysis will go well tomorrow, but my arm is still swollen and painful from Saturday's mishap and I don't know if that will be a problem.

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