Soggy walks

The weather was a little inclement today but we had no choice but to go out to take Phin for walks.

The early morning walk wasn’t too damp but the lunchtime one round Vogrie country park was decidedly soggy. Just as well Phin thinks he us a water dog.

Picked up groceries at the supermarket in the morning whilst Mr PHL was at his physio session for his back. The sessions seem to be helping and hopefully he’ll keep up the exercises when they finish. We’re both losing weight slowly but steadily by calorie counting and it’s not too arduous a task to update the app.

Whilst Phin slept this afternoon I’ve put a few more rows onto Mr PHL’s Dr Who scarf mark 2.

Salmon gratin for dinner was more filling than I expected and enough left for lunch tomorrow.

Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting MonoMonday. Not too sure I’ve captured backlit but I do love my ceramic tulip. It’s made by the same artists responsible for the 888,246 poppies displayed at the Tower of London between 214 and 2018 to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. I wasn’t lucky enough to purchase a poppy but settled for this tulip instead.

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