A Puppy Blur in the meadow

A lot to squeeze in
to a busy day, Leo 
set off at Full Pelt!

Busy day, Ben was with his PAs for 5 hours so I raced around making the most of it!  Cleaning, washing, walking (well, running!) the dog, physio, butchers and then I had a remote meeting with some behaviour specialists, I think it was useful but it's probably early days, we're going to meet again in a few weeks to discuss things a bit more.  Then I made bolognese before Ben arrived home.  He was a bit overdone but happy enough and he's been bouncing on the trampoline which always helps him to settle.  Leo is a bit stir crazy, using his mad half an hour zoomies to try to chew everything in sight - it's a little wearing!  I've given him a chewy treat so hopefully that will take the edge off (for more than 10 seconds!)

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