
Why indulgence, I hear you say.  This is Ashness Bridge.  OK first of all it is Ashness Bridge taken this morning, but I was using my new wide angle lens for this and other photos taken today.  Secondly I had gone to Keswick to look for a new (short) waterproof while there were some mid season sales on.  I found one at the right price and colour, but not the correct size.  Living in Cumbria you get to know a lot of people if you bother to be friendly.  I have known this particular shopkeeper since my work days and ordering PE equipment from him.  He also employed two assistants whom I have known for over 40 years too.  They have moved on, but will still meet up.  They gave me the nicest cuddle when they found out Jane had passed.  What you remember.  Anyway I was told more jackets had been ordered so try on Friday.  Windproof, waterproof and easy wicking at a sensible price.
On to Ashness Bridge.  I have taken this view many times with little water and water like today.  However much water there is flowing it always makes a good photo. 
Today the visitors I saw were correctly dressed for the weather,  and they stopped and talked.  One visitor remembered being told of the power of water from a teacher using Ashness Beck as an example.  She was in primary school at the time and hasn't forgotten that.  Another family stopped until I had taken my photos and told me they come each year for a photo of the same place.  That was nice to hear, plus the fact that I was asked if I got the photo I wanted.  Very kind I thought of them to bother.  The rain continued but it was good to chat.  
I continued to Grange and came back on the western side of Derwentwater intending to have lunch at the Chalet-too busy, so continued home and it was still raining!
I call these type of 'dark days' more like winter days; days you are not expecting in summer, but this is Lakeland.  Get out the voice in my head said and glad I did.  Just look what I would have missed!
PS. spot the raindrop smudge!

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