Ink painting

Wildlife nighttime cameras
Ma and Pa Badger enjoy some time without the kiddos!

Ma & Pa Badger without the kiddos in tow. Is that just frolicking or something more serious I am thinking. So I googled. Phew. badgers only have one litter of cubs in a year...thank goodness....

Creative is ink painting with Hake brush and water, and a second digital version.

Yesterday a Robin Redbreast made friends with me as I was in the garden. Midnight came along and sat on the other side of me. This morning, Robin Redbreast came to the fatball feeder near my open door, and then flew to my bedside table and looked at me. Cat Midnight was on my lap asleep. No food for you Robin, I told him.

I am not personally feeding him, as much as I would love to. Too many stray cats, but having said that, no cat has caught a bird in my garden in the last few years. The male (but not the female) blackbird lands next to Midnight on the swing and takes the cat biscuits while Midnight watches him.

Have a good day.

I need a coffee...

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