New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Splatter Art

P took me into town for my birthday - we started off in the cat cafe where we had a super cute kitten called Eire curled up in a ball right next to us.  She liked having her tummy rubbed and it wasn't a trap.  Kinda fun to be able to interact with some kittens, without having to take them home and look after them for the rest of their lives.  Met some other great cats too, and one black and white cat that got me all emotional because she looked like our old cat Grendel, but with her ears.  Blip was almost of a smiling man onlooker on the outside of the cafe, who was grinning at the cats, lots of very happy passersby.  Shame the food wasn't up to the standard of the cats though - obviously very tailored to kids!

After a short wander round the necropolis we were then back in Merchants City to go to the splatter art gallery to make some art!  This was really cool, you basically get kitted up and get to throw some paint at a canvas.  I'm pictured here with my creation.  It was a lot of fun and makes me want to get my paints out again.

I then took myself off to the SEC to pick up my uniform for the UCI World Champs next week.  After the comms I was expecting the place to be packed and long queues, however there was pretty just me there so I was done in ten minutes.  Think the volunteers and staff were expecting more people too and were looking worried that they might be super busy later on in the week.  Blip was almost the SEC all decked out in UCI rainbows, and I'm sure at some point over the week of the event I'll blip one of the Rainbow painted bike lockers all around the city too.  Really looking forward to it now.

We ended the day off with dinner at Mowgli which we'd been wanted to try after buying their very delicious cookbook. Twas a lovely meal - thanks B and R for getting it for us!  Would definitley recommend if there's one near you.

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