Allotment gifts

Thats the giant courgette and its smaller slightly misshapen cousin, and a bunch of garlic. I was really pleased with the garlic. They are the best I've ever grown. A couple of small ones went to seed, so I have those seeds to plant in the autumn.

It was a very quick trip to the allotment, late on this afternoon. I had been working in the garden most of the afternoon, mainly weeding bindweed. The morning, while the boys were at archery, I cleaned some of the windows and the plastic on the inside of the conservatory. Jon cleaned the outside when he got back. It is hard work, and the dirt creeps up on you. Once I had started I couldn't stop. The room is a little tidier now, although will never be properly tidy as I don't have space for everything that has to live in there, without it being piled on top of each other. I might have to look for a new tall set of shelves to try and rectify the problem.

Dan and Henry came back for coffee and we sat in the French Quarter. It has been a hit sunny day all day here in Norfolk. I know it hasn't been like that everywhere.

The boys went, so it was just Jon and I for dinner. It feels strange with just two of us in the house. We had chicken salad for dinner. I had taken a packet of drumsticks out of the freezer, and set the boys away with 2 each, as we weren't going to eat 8.

Now I'm heading for a bath. My feet in particular need a proper good soak, after my day gardening in my crocs. I feel shattered, so will be heading to bed soon after!

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