Morning mist (Day 3002)

After the usual wander with Sigyn and the Sunday shopping trip I headed to the horses and got out on George. It was blazing sunshine when I arrived at the field, but misty as we left. It was very patchy mist and it cleared enough to be atmospheric as we rode along the shore.
Home for lunch, then a wander with Sigyn at Lyde. I watched a couple of buzzards mobbing an eagle for a while and Sigyn made full use of the opportunity to get herself properly camouflaged by wallowing in a swampy puddle (extra). Luckily she didn't need much encouragement to go and wallow in a significantly cleaner burn and did a fairly good job of washing herself.
Next on the list a trip to Mum and Dad's to get the grass cut. It has been neglected for a while because of the weather and it took far longer than it should have done. Another trip down to the horses followed, this time to do the field chores, and distribute carrots.
A.quick blether with Mum and Dad when I popped in to collect Sigyn before heading home.
I await news of my beautiful wife and her adventures in the north.

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