Splendid displays

The local council has come up trumps with these. They are along our main route into town and I assume there are lots of others elsewhere, but we haven’t investigated the bottom end of town yet so are not sure. 

This was taken from the car. B was driving and we were stopped at temporary traffic lights, so it was safe to do so. It wasn’t until I looked at closer at the picture that I saw the post office van in the wing mirror. 

Now they are a rarity these days on our new estate. At the old house they would park across the road from us and walk their route, coming back to reload the bag 2 or 3 times. We knew the team and they were friendly. That’s not to say that they are not friendly here. The lady postie is very sociable and always has a biscuit for Amber, who now accepts her. Initially she was suspicious of anyone in a high viz jacket and bearing gifts … sensible girl. 

We were into town for food shopping as S was coming to dinner and drop off Olive. I had made a list of the things we need to do after his holiday and what we need to do for him whilst he’s away. They have a big mature garden, by that I mean ‘full of stuff and more than slightly chaotic’. This is their first year there and anything that appears is a surprise!!  This will be an interesting week, I shouldn’t be short of blip material!!! 

Ps I’m not too sure what happened there. The pic when uploaded didn’t show the mirror and van, and when I tried to change it, it initially failed. Ok now!!!

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