Lovely Day

Weather-wise as well as just being a pleasant day all around! 
I went for a good walk this morning, then planted the remaining plants that I'd purchased in the breezeway garden. Tomorrow I'm going over to my former garden to raid some snippets of plants (with the ex's blessings). I'm hoping to find a few gems to plant in the breezeway, and in the shady side garden of my house.

My son and grandchildren came over for lunch and a swim and then, somehow, I've whiled away the rest of the day at my computer. My intent was to create the Plant ID test for my Monday class, but I went down various other rabbit holes instead ;-)

There is a large, evergreen Magnolia that abuts the pool here at my HOA. It's stunningly beautiful and its blossoms are just opening now. The fragrance is fabulous. Here's a blossom just coming out of its protective covering (I know there's a name for it....). Very cool.

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