Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I’ve got a visitor …

Little eyeless Jerry has been with me today … Tits McGee is in Malta and her son Jossy-bear ( not his real name ) did a longer work shift today so I took Jerry out with us and he stayed at our house a few hours too . You’ll never guess what I was asked by someone about his eyeless state, now bear in mind lots of you remember my own eyeless little dog Pepe …… what was my biggest rant … yes readers ‘how does he see ‘ ….. HOW DOES HE SEE ? To start with it was mildly amusing but as the years went on I became slightly unhinged about it , my replies grew more sarcastic and at times rather violent sounding … actually I quite liked it .
So today someone said ‘but he must be able to see light and dark’ I was ever so polite when I said ‘he hadn’t got any ******* eyes how could he ‘ …. STILL they said ‘but I can see light if I close my eyes ‘ …..
at this point I wanted to start hitting my own head into a brick wall …. Readers I offered to remove actual eyeballs …. I still don’t think they understand HE HAS EMPTY SOCKETS ….
No wonder this world is so dickish ….

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