If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Men at work!

Not what you expect to come across while having a quiet woodland walk.

We realised that we needed some things from our supplier in Kirkby Stephen before next Saturday's guests arrive.  Being down in Sheffield next week it meant a sudden dash today.  After visiting the supplier we went to our usual cafe for lunch, then we decided to have a walk in STenkrith Park.  This is an area of woodland beside the River Eden which is in a gorge created I gather by a collapsed cave system.

As we walked along we came to this minidigger.  They seemed to be repairing a bridge over a small tributary.  By repairing I mean moving and replacing one of the large stone slabs that formed the bridge.  Fortunately, this didn't prevent us and the many other walkers from getting past and enjoying the wood.

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