There and back again

By Mikes

The traveler returns

Daughter No 2 returned from China last evening, after a late minuet change of plan had us scooting off to Exeter to collect her. She looked far better than you should after a 10 hour flight and full of tales of life in the orient. They had been well looked after by their hosts with their own interpreter who took them to see all the sights and explained to them what there were looking at (and eating) including visiting her favorite local restaurant.

After not getting to bed until 10pm she was up and off to work at 7am this morning raring to go. She declined my offer to take her to the local Chinese this evening and opted for lamb steaks, potatoes and peas!

The blip? these are some souvenirs she brought back for herself. A pair of Chinese Lions and some toys they saw the children playing with. Too tempting when I was on the hunt for a blip!

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