Urban Chicken.

Today I cracked on and started sorting out Grace's room ready for her to come to stay tomorrow night. I did about half of it, leaving areas that are known spider-lairs for Brian. I left him the high shelves above her bed too, just because I hate doing them.

From next week I want to tackle a few jobs that are not part of the regular cleaning routine and carry on the decluttering I started earlier in the year and did not finish. I'd like us to do a car-boot fair. Some of the items that can be sold are things that Grace abandoned when she moved out. I'll give her any money raised from them of course!

I went to see my Dad this afternoon. (Took this shot of some graffiti on the old Anglian Water/Environment Agency building by the river on the way.) He's still very tired and spent most of my visit asleep. He's not improved much since starting the antibiotics. They asked me to take a few things in for him and Brian took me up in the car to drop them in once he had finished work. 

He finished cleaning Grace's room once he was home, and now it is time to enjoy some TV Rugby League - Saints v Rhinos! I'm going to shout for Leeds, and I hope they batter eachother!

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