Black Combe

A Wellness Walk big day out, 18 months in the planning.
2 no shows, but also an unexpected appearance from S. I can offer you the opportunity, I'll encourage you, support you, help you... but you have to turn up and try, that's the bit that makes the real difference.

This hill meant a lot. All 5 of today's Wellness Walkers live in Millom, the Combe dominates the view, it looms large, the towns silent sentinel. And yet, none of them have ever climbed it's steepening slopes, looked back at the place they call home, looked further afield. It means a lot.
And it's not an easy climb, it's 600 metres need all to be climbed, as you start from effectively sea level.
We set out in a cool lightly misting rain, almost perfect for a steep ascent, we needed to find shelter for lunch, but an hour later on the summit it was t-shirt weather and smiles.
I'm very very pleased to haveade this happen for them. 

Philosophy Friday
Such sorrowful news to hear of the passing of Sinéad O'Connor, an icon of my youth, a teller of truth. I was lucky enough to see her in both splendour and protest, fiercely honest and always impressive. Her prescient shaming of a lying catholic church, her willingness to put herself in the vitriolic spotlight of a powerful wrongness, was, and still is, an immensely brave and inspirational act of selfless honesty. A hero with a beautiful voice able to tell ugly truths.
May the angels hold you in their tender arms and give you rest and peace. 

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