
By JackTheLad

Mad or Brave

The weather for our walk from Elie to Pittenweem and back was not exactly el scorchio just a great temperature for walking but these brave or mad folks were pootling about in the open pool at Pittenweem. I suppose you could warm yourself up at the sauna (extra 1) but that is about 3 ½ miles away.
By the time we got back to Elie the tide was nearly fully in and as we wandered about looking for a final tea/coffee before heading home we were aware of a commotion down by the harbour wall. We wandered over to see a bunch of kids (12 – 30 year olds) throwing themselves off into the sea (extra 2). It was attended by a couple of RNLI folk just keep a pretence of safety and other responsible folk were in attendance, but the kids would throw themselves off swim round to the ladder, climb it and join the line to repeat.

No rain again this time but 21km and 30 000 steps on the Fitbit.

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