3134. Flower Friday…
I haven’t had the chance to get out with my new camera so an indoor shot will have to do today…..
Housework this morning then into town to pay a credit card bill that I used to be able to pay online but now can’t…..plus they wouldn’t take anything other than cash!
Just had a long chat with the CEO from Rebel WiFi who are a new provider in the UK set up by ex-BT executives and it’s certainly a possible option as Virgin prices have just hiked so much and their customer support is pretty rubbish….
I also had to return a mascara to the Body Shop as it had gone a bit strange after only a few months…they replaced it without hesitation, she didn’t even want to see my receipt…now that’s good customer service!
I am having to make another appointment to get my hearing aids looked at too as one of them isn’t lasting the whole day any more…so I think it needs looked at…..
These are my roses in our lounge and this is one of only a few photos I’ve actually taken with my new camera as I slowly get to grips with it…thank you to BikerBear for hosting as always!
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