
… a slightly new angle
Headed back for a bracing after work swim … probably the most awake I’d felt all day after a very disturbed night with the to and fro of the folk in the Airbnb next door.

Enjoyed listening to an interview with Ana Carla Maza on the way back … what a remarkable woman …

… and just watched David Harewood on Blackface 

If anyone is interested in signing the petition against the United Utilities and the Council’s plans to close the road at the back of Thirlmere, the link is below … it beggars belief that they are considering this. The road was a part of the conditions of the 1879 Act which created the Thirlmere Reservoir which supplies Manchester with water. It’s a valuable amenity road providing relief from the A591 which is dangerous and has no provision for walkers or cyclists. Apart from that this Forestry Commission land should never have been allowed to be sol£ off in the first place. Rant over … for now …

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