Our visitors

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A busy morning hanging the last of the pictures which were destined for my sewing room. They were on the spare bed and making that room look untidy. Job done, just in time before we received a message to say that A, Max and Annie would shortly be arriving. 

They have driven up from Essex, a first visit. We normally meet up in London 3 or 4 times a year, but Covid and other issues have meant that we have only met once, at Duxford Air Museum, in 2021, in the past 3 years. We have had to make do with FaceTime calls. You don’t realise how much the kids have grown and what life as a teenager is like these days. 

They are staying at a local Premier Inn and after dinner R picked me up and we went down to meet up with them. I’ve known A for about 20 years, long before the children were born, through work. R had heard all about them but never met them, so this was the opportunity. 

It was as though we were all old friends and had met up recently. A most enjoyable time. 

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