A Life in the Day 2

I bought this book yesterday at the National Trust bookshop. I used to love reading this series in the Sunday Times.It is a bit old (2003) but it contains 100 of the interviews that make up A Life in the Day, from Nelson Mandela to so called ordinary people. Some people are now disgraced, like Saville. Sadly, Roko Camaj, who cleaned the windows at the World Trade Centre, was reportedly on the roof of the South Tower when the first plane struck on 9/11, and his body was never found.
I think this series had an influence on me , and encouraged me each day to do a blip, and keep a diary.
As Frank McCourt says in the blurb on the back, ‘ When you read a Life in the Day  you ‘ll surely say: ‘What the hell. My life is just as interesting.’ And you’re right. This series proves there is no such thing as an ordinary life. In each life there are dreams and if you can capture those dreams - sorry, I have to say it - you have literature. ‘ 

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