Broom broom.

The Jedi hasn't been himself today at all. He's cried most of the day. I took the wildlings in the street for a distraction. Here is Carson learning to peddle a go Kart. It's took a while for him to get going but overall a success.  He does get stuck but it will take time. 
The big boy wildlings have spent most of the day playing outside with their friends . Harp has been helping me sort her clothes out. We pass them onto my neighbours granddaughter.  I bagged up the jedis clothes too for my friends grandson's.  He's growing like a bean. I've had to get him age 4-5 clothes. 

Got a important call from the diagnostic team for Carson.  Myself and Mr R have a appointment to go up on the 9th August.  Just a adult meeting  ( up to 2 hours ) . I'm hoping it's not with one of the paediatricians I saw with Harp a few years ago. He's very misogynistic,  and talks over you and doesn't really acknowledge your point of view. But I don't sit and take it.  When Harp went through the programme,  his words were " she shows lot's of autistic traits but she can give eye contact and play. So come back when she's a teenager".  Again you can't cure stupid people.  Girls are amazing at masking.  So we will see what he says about the jedi. 

Just going to give the wildlings their dinner. And then it's bath time. It really is like a conveyor belt. Hehe 

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