TT Stinky Bug

This tiny bug was on a beautiful ripe raspberry. I sent his photos to the Oregon State University Extension Services for an ID. They said it was the fourth stage of a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug and that the bottom "stylet" was used to suck the juice out of berries. He gave me permission to squish it without regret; as soon as I find him again I will do that.

Yes, I am late in posting this. Ellie had swim lessons yesterday and then we went to the Tuesday Community Market to meet family there and have dinner at the Asian Food Cart. On the way home we noticed the Washington County Fair had free parking and admission so we decided to stop!!! Ellie and I had fun walking around and seeing what was there. We played in the puzzle & science area ...see the first was a free area and I was thrilled to see all the parents and children enjoying the challenging fun. We watched the people on the rides; there was some laughter, but more screams from the riders. The lines were long for the overpriced thrills. Ellie decided that if she was going to do anything it would be the gentle rides and throw darts at the ballons. The music coming from the open-air stage was loud but pleasant and the magic show was good. There were fun jugglers on unicycles traveling around entertaining small groups of people. We got out of the Fair Grounds without spending one penny. It was a fun night for me and Ellie was thrilled to hang out with me. 

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