love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


I spotted this little brown thrasher in the garden a couple of months age. He was tiny and had no visible tail. I just thought he was a fledgling and his tail would grow. I watched him today. He is much bigger but still not a sign of a tail. Not at all. He hops and feeds and flutters about. I don’t know if he can actually fly any distance, but he is quick and appears to have all he needs in the garden. If he’s still here this winter, I will put a feeder out there.
Life isn’t fair, is it? Be it a genetic defect or due to an injury, it doesn’t seem fair that he has no tail. I have decided that the idea of “fair” is a human construct. Life is hard. That’s why we have love, mercy, and grace.
Oh, I call the bird BOB! :—))
Be blessed!

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