
By astudyinscarlet

dictionary day five: pyxis

technically speaking, yesterday was day five (pyramid n 1 a monumental structure usually of stone with a square base and sloping sides meeting centrally at an apex, esp an ancient Egyptian royal tomb. 2 solid of this type with a base of three or more sides. 3 a pyramid-shaped thing or pile of things. 4 a game played on a billiard table with (usually 15) coloured balls and a cue ball). but i didn't pick up the camera once: thought about pyramids of sweets at work, then just ate the buggers instead - it was one of those nights (they are almost all the time now :-( ). hugely busy, news breaking, exhaustion all over the place and some bad news from a couple of friends. there was a blast from the past courtesey of N, recently found on facebook tho: i'd forgotten that my claim to fame was that i sang on 'highway' back in the dim and distant...

today was a day off. paperwork, read, eat chocolate and strawberries, wrap a birthday present and then later off to 'terminator salvation' with K. i've had worse days off.

so anyway. today's word is a great one for scrabble!

pyxis n a small box or casket

this is a red faux-silk one on my desk that i keep my foreign money in - foreign money = travel = decadent = red silk. obvious, really.

(the first viewer of this is my 50,000th view in total, woohoo! and i've got a couple of new subscribers, too - welcome, i hope it's not too crazy for you in here...)

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