
By Susanna

At Pyynikki summer theatre

The revolving auditorium of Pyynikki summer theatre was designed by architect Reijo Ojanen and its building was completed in 1959.

The roof provides protection for the audience from the changeable weather, although the actors perform under open skies, come rain or shine. Only a handful of performances have had to be cancelled in the past and on those occasions it has taken violent thunderstorms or hail to keep indomitable Finnish actors from performing. Today the auditorium seats 836 people and the summer season’s shows are sold out far in advance year after year.

More information about the theatre Here In The Link

Today a play Täällä Pohjantähden alla (author Väinö Linna). I had seen it before as a play and as a movie. Unfortunately this play today made the story dull and slow and I was so bored... 

Some raining just before the play. But the evening was ok. Wind blew from the lake as it often does to this summer theatre. 

Our daughter was there with me and hubby.


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