Not a bus pass walk

I had an appointment at the surgery in Cullingworth this morning which meant I couldn't join the Bus Pass Walkers.  It was a fine and quite warm morning as I walked over to the next village, and as you can see from the photos there was a beautiful blue sky.  Lots of sheep and lambs in the fields.  They had been shorn and all looked rather tatty!  I arrived a little early so sat in the memorial garden in the sunshine for a while.  I then went to my appointment thinking my blood pressure would be okay, but no, it was higher than normal - I think it must be "white coat syndrome"!  I now have to measure it and email the results in twice a day for a week - bit of a chore, but never mind.  By the sound of the Bus Pass Walkers return journey this afternoon I think I had the easier journey home!

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