Narrow Neck
Narrow Neck is the ridge of land that separates the Jamison Valley from the Megalong Valley, which we see before us.
To the far left of frame you can just get a glimpse of the Jamison. There's a panorama version of this image in extra. In both shots you can see a road winding its way south as the ridge widens out into a genuine plateau. It'd be worth taking a drive onto the plateau except that Narrow Neck Rd is one of those locations closed to vehicles due to erosion of the road surface and shoulders. It is a lonely route even in normal times and so its priority for restoration is presently low.
There are still walking trails which seem to be open and if you follow them, you eventually reach the "Golden Stairs". They lead you down the other side of the ridge into the Jamison valley, out to the "Ruined Castle" and on to Mt Solitary. You have to be fit (not to mention YOUNG) to venture out to such places. Not me any more.
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