
By CameraHappy

Off the Trail

We had another lovely spring evening, so the walking and cycling trails were busy. This is a photo taken at one of the parks. The trails in the background lead into the residential area. And, no one really minds if you prefer to walk on the grass instead of the trail, as in this case, the young boy with his dog. I suspect their mom will get them back on the trail soon!

I am grateful to live in this small city which has made keeping green (literally) a priority. There are biking and hiking paths all along the river which go from one end of the city to the other, crossing right through downtown under the bridge. There are many parks, playgrounds and picnic areas. Paying higher taxes has enabled our City to have very wide treed boulevards (cheap at twice the price, I say). What a wonderful time of the year to be outdoors! My indoor chores will wait until tomorrow.

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