De stresser Ride
What is wrong with professionals???? Personal Health Budget woman rang this morning demanding I give her a date for the annual review. I said I can’t talk now I’m trying to sort out emergency staffing at the day centre because he hasn’t got a safe suctioner and he’s there now (usual Suctioner on annual leave). She said you need to give me a date now. I put the phone down on her, sorted out the staffing and then rang her back. She gave me no apology, tried to blame some lack of therapy funding on a retired Social Worker And I took great delight in pointing out it was her who sorted funding with the centre originally. Then of course she has to have a face to face meeting with me and Big Fish but she only works two days a week on the days he’s at day centre, expecting me to keep him home for a whole day for an hour meeting. No chance. She then starts on about increased fees as if it’s our fault!!! These weren’t the only stressers this morning. The others can’t be shared, but numerous. Didn’t even feel like riding but PippaD’s mum turned up, also not intending to ride, then I talked us both into it and we went for a blast ride which always does the job.
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