quintessential summer ride

Today was a perfect day to take the iron horse out for a run.
The temperature was great, there was a nice breeze, no afternoon thunderstorm was forecasted, and best of all it was a Monday so there was no one in my rear view mirror!
Along with the gorgeous scenery, the delicious aroma of fresh pine and sage, and a wonderful sense of peace, there was also a bit of excitement.
About 3 hours into the ride the empty gas tank light came on. That means I have about 1 gallon left, or as my "miles until empty" indicator said, 45 miles until I run dry. Happily I came to a gas station in about 15 miles - but they had run out of gas!! I was told the next available station was 27 miles away. That was cutting it close, but what could I do?
I kept my mind off the blinking idiot light by singing hymns and listing things I was grateful for. Imagine my delight when I started down the mountain pass and saw the number of "miles until empty" jump up to 60 miles. So yes, I made it to the next station with plenty to spare!
And home, safe and sound, with a story to tell :-)

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