Mono Monday. : : Cold

The heat wave continues although I do think it is a bit cooler today and we are supposed to return to 'seasonal norms' by the end of the week. In the meantime, we are using plenty of cold ice cubes, photographed here in a glass dish on a dark tray. I didn't even have to convert it to mono.

I had a dream last night in which I was swimming in a lake, pushing something (a paddleboard? A log?) toward the shore. As I approached the shore I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to be watching a child (mine? it seemed so, but it was vague) I looked behind child. I thought perhaps the child was on shore and I had forgotten. Before I figured anything out, I woke up, pondering. It didn't take a therapist to figure out that three weeks eye drops and pills for Spike and a week of constant vigilance to make sure  he doesn't scratch his face  have taken their toll on my psyche.

We went to Kathy's again after a two week hiatus, both feeling rather fragile.  When did a personal trainer turn into a physical therapist?  But it was just what we needed and we emerged taped together with physio tape and feeling much better. 

As I was putting the dishes away I was reminded again of the dust in the slots but thanks to lots of suggestions here, the job was quickly completed well enough by wrapping a wet wipe around a table knife. I was about to embark on cleaning a brass pot with salt and lemon juice when I was interrupted by our contractor/handyman, David. The conversation was wide ranging, covering  falling, a railing up to the veggie boxes (35 steps), the practicality of heat pumps, new cabinet doors in the kitchen, climate change and fire insurance.

I have emailed the zendesk at Blipfoto and received a prompt answer referring me to the FAQ's which I already did, and requesting all sorts of information about what is happening (or not happening), screen shots, and answering questions about my computer and browser so detailed I'm not sure I'm competent, but I'm about to give it a try. It may take awhile....

Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting this long running challenge this month.

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