I Spied a Spider!

I came home from my swimming session tonight and saw this spider hanging from one of the outside lamps. It looked like he was suspended in mid air until I saw the fine bits of web he was on. I'm quite surprised at myself for getting as close as I did as I really freak out when I see spiders.

Back to work today but I have given my notice in. I'm not going to be teaching on a Monday afternoon after this term has finished. I've been wanting to leave for a while but have stuck with it. I have found a replacement so don't feel so bad now. I'll have three days a week off....I can't wait.

I'm quite enjoying my new swimming club. Did another hard session tonight. Lots of really nice people there which makes it much better. I also did more running this morning after my bootcamp session and I'm pleased as its really coming on. I feel quite confident that I'll manage my 5k now....which is a drop in the ocean to you runners out there...but tough for me!

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