Golden Acre Park Greenhouses (DS360)

A short break from the packing and box carting this morning while Stuart attended to some work.  He had calls to attend this evening so shifted his working hours back to fit them in.    We saw a flat he is thinking of buying first,  then left him to work while we had a couple of hours at Golden Acre Park, then saw a house he was considering. 

Golden Acre Park is well worth a visit if you are in or around Leeds/Headingly.

These old greenhouses look to be falling into dereliction so they have become my blip and entry for this week's derelict Sunday.
Two shots from my mobile, directly imported into the Lightroom app and then merged as a panorama at home.   Go large and check out the roof panels and ridge.
There are several other, much better looking greenhouses there!
A good cafe too, and a nature reserve lake .. what's not to like?

Home now with a car load of 'stuff' unpacked.

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