Lunch with the nieces …

And Jenny ofcourse. Jenny had asked earlier in the week if we’d like to go for lunch to an Asian fusion restaurant they really like. Ben and I were free so we joined them and had a very lovely, pleasant meal and time with them. It was great to see all my nieces and enjoy their company. It’s not always that they can all make events, but today they could, and glad Ben joined as well.

Melanie, beside Ben, is my niece who was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer in her brain and was given 12-18 months to live back in 2019, and look at her now. She is gorgeous and such an incredibly strong woman. Any opportunity to spend time with her is just so special.

After that fabulously delicious lunch, Ben and I did a bit of shopping at the Plaza before heading home to get dinner ready. Martin has requested biryani :).

Jon has come up for the weekend as there are a few family things happening. The cousins are all going out tonight, fun times. Lovely that they can hang out with their cousins like that.

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