Barnacle geese

Up and out of the house early for today's meeting. It didn't go as badly as I'd feared but the day just dragged on and the time didn't go half as quickly as I would have liked it to.

The best part of the day was when we stopped for lunch and I was able to spend an hour at the park across the road where I ate my sandwiches sitting on a bench surrounded by bird song. After I'd finished eating I still had time for a walk before I had to head back for the afternoon session. The whole time I could hear the noise of several geese but it took a while before I could see them. Much to my surprise it was a group of Barnacle geese with goslings of various sizes instead of some domesticated geese that I found at the pond. I took some photos of them but unfortunately it was an overcast day and I only had the compact camera with me so the quality is not as good as I would have liked it.

Today was not only a long but also very exhausting day and I'm hoping to be able to get a little more sleep than normally tonight, especially as I have another couple of stressful days ahead of me. Tomorrow I need to get everything ready for a meeting of a different kind on Wednesday afternoon. Nerves are already starting to get the better of me though.

If I plan everything carefully and I can get out of bed early enough the next two days, then I should be able to fit in a walk with one of the dogs from the sanctuary on Wednesday morning, which I hope will take my mind off the meeting in the afternoon somewhat.

Thank you very much for the kind comments and stars on my blip of Rosie from yesterday.

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