Gentlemanly Conduct

On This Day In History
1943: Operation Gomorrah is launched

Quote Of The Day
"Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord of the Heavens."
(Genesis, 19:24)

In our mercy, in a sustained bombing campaign lasting several days, we destroyed the city of Hamburg killing an estimated 37,000 civilians and wounding 180,000 more. Of course, we did it again on Dresden in 1945, killing a further 25,000 civilians. Pretty much what you can see in this photo, flattened and burned, probably. I guess we take our cue from the Lord.

Anyway, did the 22 kilometer run again with much less effort but in the same temperature as Saturday. Getting stonger!

"Something's falling from Heaven,
Looks like a nightmare, coming to haunt me."
When The Sky Bleeds, He Will Come (In Your Face Music Version)

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