The Tart

Parkrun day - I’m used to a nice 9.30 start for the runs in Scotland but here in England I was on a 9am start. That’s a big difference on a Saturday morning! Felt rather smug at getting up and out, in the rain, cycling down to the Quarry (the park) and joining 500 others for our 5k fun. MrKT came along too - on his bike, not running.
After the run we met up with an old school friend of mine. We had lots of campervan chat, comparing notes and ideas on places to visit. The list is long!
And after all the van chat ours then went and let us down, failing to start when we were in a car park. I was on the verge of calling the RAC out but with some help we managed to bump start the beast. It doesn’t bode well for the next leg of our trip to Devon. plan B??
Oh, and the tart was made with the wimberries picked earlier in the week.

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