Tales of the unexpected

Well, here I am, back in Istanbul !

On Thursday evening, when I had dinner at the Indian restaurant in Didim with Melissa, Orhan and Suzie, they said they'd be driving back to Istanbul on Saturday, and there would be space in the car if I wanted to come too. 

Yesterday, I decided that I did, even though it's less than a week since I got back to Akbuk.  Decision made, the rest of the day was spent making arrangements for animal care, especially for the woofer (who will go back to Sue's), and doing all those things you do before traveling. Again.

This morning, we were on the road by 10.00 and had an, easy smooth journey back, with some stops of course, arriving mid afternoon. The photos are all of Istanbul on the Asian side, up to and including the bridge in to Europe. 

Back 'home' I was surprised to find the fridge laden with tasty looking dishes and an explanatory note from neighbours who (with Alex's knowledge) were storing some food for a barbecue - and would I like to join them in Konak gardens for dinner?  Well, I would, and I did. Elaine had invited a large group of friends from her Church, including an ex teacher from Robert College who left in July '98 before I started the following month. It was very interesting to talk to her for much of the evening about the similarities and differences in working both at RC and living in Istanbul. And cats of course. It is Istanbul after all, .

Finally, to round off the day, a video call for a while with Ralph, comparing life in Essex and Turkey and the decisions we make  - well, some of them. 

Feeling grateful to Sue for taking Rufus at such short notice, neighbour friends in Akbuk who will be looking after Harry and other felines. Most especially, Melissa and Orhon for bringing me here, as well as Alex and Lisa, whose home has become mine for the summer while they are in the States.  Also very happy to have met and talked to new and different people tonight thanks to Elaine's invitation. I'll stop now before I end up writing a thesis on the kindness of friends.

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