
I have nearly completed a project!!  Raise the banners!!!

I was abandoned early today and left in an empty house listening to the rain falling outside. I decided it was the perfect time to get the pjs underway again. I have procrastinated long enough and before the sewing bee is finished for another year I felt strong enough to tackle a button down fly arrangement!!  All new to me and it had been worrying me that I wouldn't be able to do it.  I have to say I did do it wrong to start with and whilst in the sewing bee they are expected to choose the fabric and make a trench coat in 5 hours.. I definitely couldn't cope with that. It took me the best part of 7 hours to sew and unpick and resew these pj bottoms!! BUT.. the button down fly is a great success. I still need to hem them and finish off the elastic but while he was trying them on to see if the elastic was 'just  right' I took the opportunity to get a quick pic .. so hems in the morning and a button to sew.. then they are done .. tick!
Nothing else achieved.. other than getting rid of a couple of towels from the discard pile which will be made into a swim robe by my daughter!
IT did rain all day.. do hope tomorrow is better.. I need some fresh air!

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