
By beckie

I do love the big summer Suffolk skies!!

Took this while on my lunch break walk to see mum & dad today, they live on the edge of town on a hill, so the roads & houses seemed to drop away as I turned a corner, and the sky opened up to this!
So lovely!

You'll see, if you look hard enough, that yesterday's aviation theme has continued through to today too! :)

Good day, back at the office after a couple of days off last week, caught up on bits & bobs, picked up my new work T.shirt too... They look fab! & we'll look proper when we're out and about now too! :)

Took Ty to the coffee house after school, he did his homework, we met with friends, they played, we chatted... Was lovely!

Then home for a scrummy tea!

Not bad for a Monday really! :)

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