The Machias River

Today is sadly our last full day here until late September, early October.It goes without saying that it pulls on the heartstrings to leave. Of course, the weather was glorious today, weather like we are used to here. We packed, cleaned and took a short ride, stopping at the riverside below us. to take in the views and watch the seals after the poggies, the small fish that are running at the moment.

We're going out to dinner with our lovely neighbors, then one more night here. The cats love it so much, open windows, beautiful breezes, even if it did rain almost every day. It's like a hot, humid tropical swamp in Massachusetts, so we'll be inside with AC, but the cats can enjoy the screened in piazza.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, with gorgeous sea breezes. A fine day to be so thankful that we inherited this place from Great Aunt Abbie. You can see her, the last time I saw her in 1985, at 95. She passed away here at 97, still managing here, alone.

All hands happy

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