A heap of fungi

I thought it was a bit early to go spotting fungi but there was a whole heap of them staring me in the face today in a corner of the garden. In fact, it was my cousin from Edinburgh who called in to say hello with his two lovely children who noticed this super display.
I spent the afternoon in the fruit cage, pruning the cherry trees, weeding and picking some of a great gooseberry harvest. More to be picked in the next couple of days.
I have just caught up with my blips from the last four days and I can now reveal that the mystery photo from Wednesday 19th, the day of the golden wedding celebration, was a capture of a fully clothed harp. Apparently, when not being played, the harp should be kept covered to protect its strings and prevent it going too far out of tune. The instrument and it’s very talented player provided us with beautiful music during the first part of the celebrations.

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