
By fairyhedgehog


There were flocks of birds on the grass this morning: crows, magpies, and pigeons, but I only managed to get a picture of these three crows. The others took flight when I reached for my phone camera.

It's been a horribly wet day. Neil volunteered to umpire at his tennis club's finals day, and they are going ahead despite the rain. Poor Neil!

I've stayed inside and got on with my knitting. It's very frustrating and I can't imagine making another teddy this size, so I may make another small one for Emily instead and hold onto this one for now. The mini animals are much easier to make! If I give her this one, then I'll need to make another one for Annabell, and I'm not really sure I'm up for that.

Still, I've only got to sew up the legs, attach them, make the arms, attach them, possibly redo the eyes, sew on the head, and make a dress. Not long now ;-)

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