Bang bang

Xander was in the wars this morning.  There was a massive scream and he came running downstairs with blood pouring from his head. Sheesh , why does head wounds bleed so much. He banged it of his bedroom door handle. Poor lad couldn't catch his breath and had a panic attack while we were trying to clean him up. My hand towel was soaked through but thankfully we managed to get the bleeding to stop. He's been quieter than normal and tired. So we are not long back from a nature scavenger hunt. 

The jedi has been dressed as a super hero all day. He said the longest most relevant sentence ever. " you help me dress as a superhero and we can go out ". I mean my heart was bursting.  Amazing progress.  The rest of the day he has been calling his sister " Jenny ". Goodness knows what YouTube video he has seen. 

Mr R is away out out with friends. It will do him good. And it means I get to eat loads of veg for dinner and make a curry. So its a win win situation.  

Our local carers centre got in contact and said we could apply for a day trip out somewhere.  So I'm just going to book south lakes safari park for next Saturday.  Nana and grandad will come too. We are very fortunate to be allocated things like this . And having extra adults means that all the wildlings get one on one which is brilliant.  It's normally Mr R that spends the time with the bigger wildlings when we're out and about and I'm with Carson.  This trip means we all get to switch around, and I get time with the bigger ones. The jedi needs one on one when out and about . 

Bath night tonight and the wee ones have already declared they don't want their hair washed. They're in for a shock. Lol 

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