Running the dog

Getting home after work today was made difficult by lots of traffic blocking the road I was intending to use. In the process of finding a different route, I realised that much of the traffic was to do with the opening game of the womens football world cup. Then I heard about the shooting in downtown central Auckland. Sad and so unnecessary.

Later in the drive, on the National Radio programme, I heard a young man who had been in care as a teenager talking about how he was treated. He now works supporting young offenders. He was on the programme because he has a driving need to oppose the plans of the National Party to build a Youth Prison. He told those of us who were listening that when he was in the 'Boys Home' not only was he ill-treated, but the boys were intent on one-upping each other in terms of degree of badness.

Hardly the sort of thing that would help them to not continue offending. 

I got home in the early twilight, and took my camera to the entry to our property and was fortuitously able to record someone else while on her run.

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