Just Another Manic Thursday

The abbreviated version...

This morning... 

Our son J has come to visit, he is en route (from Sweden) to North Devon for a wedding at the weekend. He has rented a Polestar EV. Against all my better judgement I liked it.

I went on a training course in Telford. It was titled 'Driver Speed Awareness Course' Enough said.

On the way home I stopped to look around Buildwas Abbey, a 12th Century cistercian monestary. 

This afternoon J and I took Hollie dog for a walk and afterwards J and I along with Mrs I went for a delicious meal at our favourite pub, the Swan at Aston Munslow.

It was a fine dining experience until the explosion. A huge bang which rocked the building and caused great consternation amongst the clientele. 

A car, (ha, driving too fast) has gone out of control and ploughed into the pub. Steam, smoke, fuel spewing, walking wounded staggering around in a dazed state, police, ambulance and fire service.

Blue lights, and much excited, anxious chatter. Everyone on mobile phones, filming. 

Good news, driver injured but not serious. No one died. 

And my speed awareness course was a success. I recommend it. 

No points on my licence. No fine and no need to tell the insurance company unless they ask. 


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